Automatic fire system fitters, 145.16
Barbers and cosmetologists, 454.10
Carpenters, 106.02
Definitions, 106.001
Funeral directors, 445.10
Minimum wage, trade industry, 104.08
Plumber's, 106.025
Real estate apprentices, 106.03
State public works projects, 106.04
Wisconsin apprenticeship council, creation, appointment, 15.227 (13)
Youth apprenticeship program, 106.12, 106.13
employment_3. employment agents 3. Employment Agents
Generally, Ch. 105
Bond, 105.06
Definition, 105.01
False representations, 105.02
Fee-splitting, 105.04
Fees, schedule must be filed, 105.11
Information to department, 105.10
Inquire as to truth of statements, 105.03
Inspections by deputy, 105.09
License, 105.05 to 105.07
Fees, 105.07
Refusal, suspension, revocation, 105.13
Penalties, 105.15, 105.16
Prohibited practices, 105.12
Review of commission orders, 105.15
Temporary help service, right of entry and audit, 105.05 (2)
Workforce development department, powers, 105.08, 105.09, 105.14, 105.15
employment_4. employment relations 4. Employment Relations
Generally, Ch. 111
All-union shop, 111.06 (1) (c)
Arbitration, 111.10
Attorney general, duties, 111.12
Boycotting, blacklisting, preventing work, 134.01 to 134.03
Check-off, union dues, 111.06 (1) (i)
Collective bargaining, general authorization, 133.09
Conflict of laws, 111.17
Construction of law, 111.15, 111.17, 111.64
Contracts, provisions regarding unions, prohibitions, 103.46, 103.52
Declaration of policy, collective bargaining, 111.01
Definitions, 111.02
Discrimination, 111.31 to 111.395
For detailed analysis, see Discrimination
Election of representatives, 111.05
Employees, representatives, reports by, 111.08
Employment Peace Act, 111.01 to 111.19
Employment Relations Council:
Proceedings before commission, 111.07
Rules, orders, transcripts, 111.09
Fair-share agreements, 111.075, 111.70, 111.85
Financial reports to employees, 111.08
Health care institutions, state payments restricted if unfair labor practices, 111.18
Honesty testing devices, see Honesty Testing Devices
Information required for licensure, 103.35
Judicial review, commission orders, 111.07
Labor disputes:
Definitions, 103.505
Clean hands doctrine, 103.57
Conditions of issuance, 103.56
Punishment, 103.61
Rights of accused, 103.60
Contents, 103.58
Definitions, 103.505
Notice, 103.56
Public policy, 103.55
Restrictions, 103.53, 103.57, 103.58, 133.08
Temporary, appeal expedited, 103.59
Lawful conduct defined, 103.53
State defense force not to be used, 321.51 (10)
State patrol not to be used in, 110.07
Unlawful acts, responsibility, 103.54
Labor unions:
Anti-trust laws not applicable, 133.07
Coercion, preventing, joining, penalty, 134.02
Contracts, provisions regarding unions, prohibitions, 103.46, 103.52
Fair share agreements, 111.075, 111.70, 111.85
Financial reports to members, 111.08
Membership cards, forgery, 943.38
Picketing, when unlawful, 103.535
Representation of employees, employees, 111.05
Responsibility for unlawful acts, 103.54
Rights protected under sabotage act, 175.05
Sabotage act does not impair rights, 946.02 (2)
State employees:
Deducting dues from salaries, 20.921